Reflections of Hope Tuesday, October 20 2020
Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed
There comes a time when we want to give up and throw in the towel. It seems like all hope has been shattered and there is nowhere to turn. May I share something with you? Friend, you have a “partner in hope” in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus reminds us, “do not be afraid, just trust Him.” Why? Because with Jesus there is always have a source of hope and promise.
The Apostle Paul admonishes us that though we may think we are at the end of our rope; we are never at the end of our hope. God has not and will not abandon us. God is with us and is always encouraging us to keep our hope alive; God wants us to stay in the fight!
It is easy to lose heart and quit. However, each of us has faced problems and hardships that seem to be out of control, but do not allow the burden of them to cause you to lose your hope and joy. Keep your hope alive by being confident in the expectancy of God’s fulfillment of your prayers.
You are not alone. . . there are partners on the journey of cancer in hope who are there for you when you are tempted to throw up your arms and give up. Your partners will hold you up and encourage you and they will keep telling you that “hope never fails.” So, keep your hope forward-facing as you walk in God’s love, light, and promises.
Prayer: Holy God, thank you for being our “partner in hope.” You as our partner we will always walk in faith, trust, and hope in you. In your majestic name, we pray – Amen.
Dr. Patricia Brock is a chaplain and an associate minister at the Temple Church in Nashville, TN. Rev. Darrell Drumwright, Senior Pastor.
During the first few days after my cancer diagnosis, my brain charged into overdrive. I searched the internet for the best oncologists and treatment centers. My family asked everyone they knew for references. Our phones rang constantly with friends calling to see how we were and to offer their prayers. Kathryn Graves For a listening ear or prayer contact us at 615-926-0733 or |