Reflections of Hope Tuesday, November 17 2020
Whispers of Hope
Reading: Hope Unexpected Hope. It’s a sweet balm that tempers the pain of a diagnosis, the weariness of another appointment, the frustrating call to your healthcare insurance company(again)...or the startling news that it isn’t quite over yet or there’s more ahead...
Hope ensues. One day, hope happened upon me, unexpectedly, while I was sitting in a chemo chair. I heard the song of another patient beside me, a sister survivor humming, listening to her headphones. She began to sing aloud. Her Hope could not be kept inside, it overflowed in her voice, and in her song...and hope washed over me, too. It refreshed me. I knew that I wasn’t alone and it reassured me that I never would be... Hope. It’s a favorite word of mine, because it means that the struggle you and I are facing...isn’t the last word! Hope tells me that there’s goodness and peace ahead and the promise of God's presence with us, no matter where our journey leads us. Hope often appears when we least expect it, but hope can and will always find Prayer and blessing: God, I pray that hope will surround and support every sister listening today. Jesus hold them close in every season and refresh them with hope. In those unexpected moments...may they find peace and delight in hope. Amen.
Kim McKay Allen is a recent Master of Divinity graduate in the Women’s Leadership Initiative at Central Seminary. She is a cancer survivor and has found her greatest joy and fulfillment in her calling as a chaplain.
During the first few days after my cancer diagnosis, my brain charged into overdrive. I searched the internet for the best oncologists and treatment centers. My family asked everyone they knew for references. Our phones rang constantly with friends calling to see how we were and to offer their prayers. Kathryn Graves For a listening ear or prayer contact us at 615-926-0733 or |