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Reflections of Hope
Monday, September 28 2020
My Superhero of Hope

Whispers of Hope

"I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk
in darkness, but will have the light of life."  John 8:12 RSV

     When I was a child, I used to look out my window as I fell asleep and imagined that my father was a superman.  I would look at the stars and the one that appeared the brightest, I would deem that one as superman.  I did not believe in Santa Claus, but I believed in superheroes.  Their power seems to give me life and light my path. 

     As I got older, I never stopped believing in superheroes.  A few years ago, I witnessed a man with superpowers on Facebook.  His name is Aaron, and he is beautiful inside and out.  Aaron had a brain tumor.  He was in the hospital for months.  Recently, he told me that those months were a kind of lonliness that he had never known before.  He told me that he loved people and he missed them immensely while in the hospital. 

     To combat lonliness he posted on Facebook, pictures of himself without hair, looking pale and skinny.  He wrote about how he was feeling, challenges, and successes.  His openness, honesty, and obvious search for connection made him my hero, in some ways he is my superhero. 

     Don't we all have a type of superhero power in us?  An ability to find even a small amount of light in the darkest times, an ability to find power even in the most powerless situations.  Isn't that where we are met by God?

     It is in those times I imagine God tapping me on the shoulder to get my attention, giving me my superpower.  The gift of the Holy Spirit, to comfort and guide my journey. 

     During Aaron's time in the hospital, I believe God was speaking to many through him.  God showed me his love.  In seeing Aaron's superpower, I saw mine...and now may his story help you see your source of God our Father.

     Aaron had his operation and for years now he has been cancer-free!

     I do not have a relationship with my biological father, but I have found that superman type power that I was looking for, in others. Now, there are times that I find it in myself, the power of life as love...that power is God. 

Prayer of Hope: Father, let your light shine bright as each reader follows your guidance with hope and the thrill of the power of your presence with them. 

Clancy Kiener
Marriage & Family Therapist, LMFT, MAR

Posted by: Clancy Kiener AT 07:21 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, April 30 2019
Posted by: Katheryn Graves AT 02:18 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 16 2017
Breast Cancer Awareness

Hearing the words “you have cancer” can almost knock the breath out of you. . . I know.  The memory is vivid as if it were today when I received the call with the biopsy report.  It was important not to become isolated, but to encircle myself with family and friends to help me remember the command in Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. 

There will be days you will only be able to meditate on segments of the passage.  For example, today it might be   “Do not be afraid” is resonating - hold on to it!  Perhaps, tomorrow and the day after you will reflect on” don’t be discouraged  . . . hold on.  If you are unable to read ask someone to play the scripture on the CD player.  Feed your faith to minimize fear and doubt.  Apply action steps to your faith.

Sisters, you are stronger than you think. You are not alone.  We are here, to help you on this journey. The presence of God is near you to travel with you on the journey. 

Prayer:  Lord, I submit those who are experiencing doubt, guilt confusion about their diagnosis that you would comfort them and encircle her with friends and family.  

Karynthia Phillips shared her testimony on Bridges with Stephanie O'Neal.  You will find her story inspiring.  You can watch that interview at


Posted by: Karynthia Phillips AT 09:24 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

During the first few days after my cancer diagnosis, my brain charged into overdrive. I searched the internet for the best oncologists and treatment centers. My family asked everyone they knew for references. Our phones rang constantly with friends calling to see how we were and to offer their prayers.

Tension cloaked every word we spoke. My anxiety level crept up to the exploding point. I needed relief. Then one morning I read Zephaniah 3:17, “For the Lord your God . . . will bring you quietness with His love. . .” Immediately, my emotions settled. Peace enveloped me. Quietness came and stayed.

Kathryn Graves
Chasing Beautiful

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